I don't have much time to blog but I wanted to get these 2 ideas (actually 3 I guess; 1 and 2 are related) in print.
1. I have been thinking about the difference between Youth Ministry as a call, vocation, career, and/or job lately. When a local body of the Church call a Youth Minister to minister with them something unique is happening. It is not a matter of hiring someone; it is a call. The relationship between a church and a Youth Minister is therefore different than an employer and an employee. There is a covenant that is entered into. I have been wondering what justifies the severing of that covenant. I know with my wife, family, friends I have covenant relationships and have determined what justifies the severing of the relationships. Churches need to examine this relationship they enter into with those they call to ministry. If they are inept or lacking in areas then the church needs to correct, provide avenues for training, encourage and support Youth Ministers. For how long and to what length? This is a good questions and I think to answer it we need to go back to the covenant. What does the Bible say about this specifically and more widely? I'm tired of seeing Youth Ministers fired because they do not meet the demands of "people". We need to break the measuring sticks and remember the "call". This is not just thoughts in reference to me, although they seem applicable right now. We need to protect and honor those who answer the call and give up much to do so by treating them not as employees but as ministers with whom we, as a church, enter into covenant relationships with.
2. Youth Ministers need to be lead. They often need help finding there strengths and weaknesses. If churches help them do so and then free them to spend 80% of there time and energies playing to their strengths and the 20% working in areas of their weaknesses or on their weaknesses... wow! That would be cool. But that means being very clear about what the church wants from a Youth Ministry and Youth Minister. This needs to be spiritually discerned and such clarity should come before the call if possible. If it doesn't then I believe the church must allow for the shape of the Youth Ministry to be somewhat dependent on the one they have called to lead it.
Hmm... I must ponder that more.
3. Here is a quote for Christians to kick around - "Trust those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it." - French author Andre' Gide. We lay claim to the fact that we have the Truth and it is Jesus. We also, especially in many of the Protestant circles I have ran in, talk about our "faith journey".
Contradiction? I don't think so but I like thinking about why it is not.