Murph Notes

Murph is cool

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Location: Dublin, Ireland

I am cool.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Dream A Little Dream...

What would have happened had there not been Bev Kinder to invite me to that Amy Grant concert so long ago?

We are often shaped by small events that take on significance because of what comes after they occur not when, where or why they occur. I do not enter into every moment with that kind of expectation though.

My eyes do not focus on the Bev's of this world or look for the Steve Huddlestons. Experience is a teacher. I have not, however, been a very good student.

The past few days have been a collision of my emotional past and present. I look forward to my future hope squeezing out of it but for now I seem to be left with nothing but emotional aftermath.

I'm not numb. It is like I have been over extended and now I am so hypersensitive I have shut down out of sheer survival needs.

When I peak beneath the bandage I see the hurt and the longing for what was. I ache with just my lids barely open. But then there is the present and all it's glory; the fulfillment, of sorts. I want to roll in it and whip it up and ensure it is sustainable while still reveling in it.

No Bev, no concert....... and still there was, is and will be Love.

Love would not have let me miss the moment. It wasn't mine to secure or miss. It wasn't and still isn't about me.


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