Murph Notes

Murph is cool

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Location: Dublin, Ireland

I am cool.

Friday, June 30, 2006

DDP Revisited

Ok, I apparently live in a different world and am WAY to involved in my career. A "DDP" in my world's language is a "Description of a Discipled Person". I don't even know what WWE is or who Diamond Dallas Page is. I remember my little brother used to watch Hulk Hogan on the WWF though. Are the WWE and WWF related?

So today my family and I are going to go play at the park and meet the realtor to look at houses. I am taking off my "youth dude" hat for the day!

Dehydration, Dirt Piles and Play are on the way! Golly, ain't I clever!?


Blogger f1rststory said...

what's hilarious is that you now have ads on your blog linking to WWE and Hulk Hogan ringtones...hahahahahahah

8:25 AM  

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